North West Classic
FGG Futurity Show Results

Hosted by Sunshine Shute

Scio, OR
October 12-14, 2018 ~ Judges: Marie Layman, Sue Johnson, and Julie Pirtle

Congratulations to all winners and thank you to all the
exhibitors for making the show a terrific success!

A special thank you goes out to Mary, Sue, and Julie for
judging such terrific competition!

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Futurity Doeling Classes

Judge: Mary Layman

1.     Junior Does:  under 3 months - No entries

2.     Junior Does:  3 to under 6 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Ahart Acres Dixie Lullaby Lisa Ohling 1 $10

3.      Junior Does:  6 to under 9 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Hush Hills Fainters Mollie Snowflake William Shute 1 $18
Frozen Fainters Edge Of Glory Mackenzie Gordon 2 $12
Ahart Acres Razzleberry Lisa Ohling 3 $6
Frassenei Farms A Trick Up My Sleeve Jari Frassenei 4 $4

4.      Junior Does:  9 to under 12 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Spin River Meadows Cupcake Sunshine Shute 1 $26
Bewosca Farms Moonshine Mayhem Michelle Manzer 2 $16
Spin River Meadows Hot Fudge Sunday Mona Kanner 3 $11
Rising S Mirror Image Wyatt Strahan 4 $7
Spin River Meadows Biscotti Mona Kanner 5 $4
Ahart Acres Frosted Zima Michelle Manzer 6 $3
Spin River Meadows Cordon Blue Mona Kanner 7 $3

5.      Yearling Does:  12 to under 24 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Hush Hills Fainters Lil Red Riding Hood Mona Kanner 1 $18
Ahart Acres All That Jazz Lisa Ohling 2 $12
Hush Hills Fainters Livin La Lita Loca Sunshine Shute 3 $6
Ahart Acres El Pollo Loco Lisa Ohling 4 $4

Futurity Champion and Reserve Futurity Champion Doeling

Futurity Champion Doeling
Hush Hills Fainters Lil Red Riding Hood
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Futurity Ch. Doeling
Hush Hills Fainters Mollie Snowflake
Owned by William Shute
Premium Award = $50
Sponsored by FGG

Premium Award = $25
Sponsored by

Two Owls Farms

Futurity Buckling Classes

6.      Junior Bucks: under 3 months - No entries

7.      Junior Bucks: 3 to under 6 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Ahart Acres Bad to the Bone Lisa Ohling 1 $10

8.       Junior Bucks:  6 to under 9 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Frassenei Farms Strike While The Iron Is Hot Jari Frassenei 1 $12
Ahart Acres Drops Of Jupiter Lisa Ohling 2 $8

9.       Junior Bucks:  9 to under 12 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Ahart Acres Flirting with Disaster Forrest Walling 1 $18
Ahart Acres Noogie Keiana Barcott 2 $12
Rising S Loverman Shelly Strahan 3 $6
Spin River Meadows Tom Ka Kai Mona Kanner 4 $4

10.     Yearling Bucks:  12 to under 24 months

Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Premium
Spin River Meadows Buckeye Mona Kanner 1 $12
Ahart Acres Oogie Boogie Sunshine Shute 2 $8

Futurity Champion and Reserve Futurity Champion Bucking

Futurity Champion Buckling
Spin River Meadows Buckeye
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Futurity Ch. Buckling
Frassenei Farms Strike While the Irons Hot
Owned by Jari Frassenei
Premium Award = $50
Sponsored by FGG

Premium Award = $25
Sponsored by

Two Owls Farms


Judges: Sue Johnson (10/13/18) and Julie Pirtle (10/14/18)

S1.      Adult: Handlers 19 years of age and over - No entries

S2.      Senior: Handlers 16 to 18 years of age - No entries

S3.      Intermediate: Handlers 13 to 15 years of age

Name of Handler Name of Goat Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
William Shute Ahart Acres Twisted Sister 1 3.0 2 2.5
Gavin Vaughn Spin River Meadows Cupcake 2 2.5 1 3.0
Elijah Roden Hush Hills Fainters Halo From The Other Side 3 2.0 3 2.0

S4.      Junior: Handlers 9 to 12 years of age

Name of Handler Name of Goat Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Kaylin Stacey Ahart Acres Lucky 1 3.0 2 2.5
Elianna Baca El Pollo Loco NS - 1 3.0

S5.      Beginner (PeeWee): Handlers 4 to 8 years of age

Name of Handler Name of Goat Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Mackenzie Gordon Edge Of Glory 1 0.5 1 0.5
Sofia Baca Razzleberry 1 0.5 1 0.5
Jaxson Gordon Mollie Snowflake 1 0.5 1 0.5
Ryker Barcott Sugar Plum Fairy / Heartland 1 0.5 1 0.5
Avery Rieger Dixie 1 0.5 1 0.5
Gracie Sugar Plum Fair NS - 1 0.5

Master Showman
Selected from the youth 1st and 2nd place winners of classes S2-S5 from both shows.

Master Showman
Gavin Vaughn
Reserve Master Showman
William Shute
Master Showman
William Shute
Reserve Master Showman
Gavin Vaughn

Judges: Marie Layman (10/13/18) and Julie Pirtle (10/14/18)

Wether Division


1.       Junior Wethers:  Under 3 months - No entries

2.       Junior Wethers:  3 to under 6 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Lucky Kaylin Stacey 1 0.5 1 0.5

3.       Junior Wethers:  6 to under 9 months - No entries

4.       Junior Wethers:  9 to under 12 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Fireball Cin-sation Michelle Manzer 1 1.0 1 1.0
Rising S Drive By Wyatt Strahan 2 0.5 2 0.5

Junior Champion Wether and Reserve Junior Champion Wether

10/13/18 10/14/18

Junior Champion Wether
Ahart Acres Fireball Cin-sation
Owned by Michelle Manzer

Res. Junior Champion Wether
Ahart Acres Lucky
Owned by Kaylin Stacey

Junior Champion Wether
Ahart Acres Fireball Cin-sation
Owned by Michelle Manzer

Res. Junior Champion Wether
Rising S Drive By
Owned by Wyatt Strahan
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5


5.       Yearling Wethers:  12 to under 24 months - No entries

6.       Two Year Old Wethers:  24 to under 36 months - No entries

7.       Three Year Old Wethers:  36 months and over

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Spin Rivers Meadows Henri Matisse Mona Kanner 1 1.0 1 1.0
Fall Over Farms Light Me Up Pam Weeks 2 0.5 2 0.5

Senior Champion Wether and Reserve Senior Champion Wether

10/13/18 10/14/18

Senior Champion Wether
SRM Henri Matisse
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Senior Champion Wether
FOF Light Me Up
Owned by Pam Weeks

Senior Champion Wether
SRM Henri Matisse
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Senior Champion Wether
FOF Light Me Up
Owned by Pam Weeks
Points Earned = 1.5 Points Earned = 1.0 Points Earned = 1.5 Points Earned = 1.0

Grand Champion Wether and Reserve Grand Champion Wether

10/13/18 10/14/18

Grand Champion Wether
Ahart Acres Fireball Cin-sation
Owned by Michelle Manzer

Res. Grand Champion Wether
SRM Henri Matisse
Owned by Mona Kanner

Grand Champion Wether
SRM Henri Matisse
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Grand Champion Wether
FOF Light Me Up
Owned by Pam Weeks
Supreme Points Earned = 1.5* Points Earned = 0.75 Supreme Points Earned = 1.5* Points Earned = 0.75
* Grand Champion points accumulate towards a Supreme Champion title

Doe Classes


8.       Junior Does:  under 3 months - No entries

9.       Junior Does:  3 to under 6 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Go Ask Alice Kaylin Stacey 1 1.0 2 0.5
Ahart Acres Dixie Lullaby Lisa Ohling
2 0.5 1 1.0

10.     Junior Does:  6 to under 9 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Razzleberry Lisa Ohling 1 2.5 1 2.5
Rising S How Bout Them Cowgirls Jake Strahan 2 2.0 3 1.5
Hush Hills Fainters Mollie Snowflake William Shute 3 1.5 4 -
Frozen Fainters Edge Of Glory Mackenzie Gordon 4 - 2 2.0
Frassenei Farms A Trick Up My Sleeve Jari Frassenei 5 - 5 -

11.      Junior Does:  9 to under 12 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Bakkens Farm Nevada Sunshine Shute 1 4.5 2 4.0
Bakkens Farm Ice Princess Jake Strahan 2 4.0 6 -
Bewosca Farms Moonshine Mayhem Michelle Manzer 3 3.5 4 -
Ahart Acres Frosted Zima Michelle Manzer 4 - 1 4.5
Spin River Meadows Cupcake Sunshine Shute 5 - 7 -
Spin River Meadows Hot Fudge Sundae Mona Kanner 6 - 8 -
Rising S Mirror Image Wyatt Strahan 7 - 9 -
Spin River Meadows Cordon Blue Mona Kanner 8 - 5 -
Spin River Meadows Biscotti Mona Kanner 9 - 3 3.5

Junior Champion Doe and Reserve Junior Champion Doe

10/13/18 10/14/18

Junior Champion Doe
Bakken's Farm Nevada
Owned by Sunshine Shute

Res. Junior Champion Doe
Bakken's Farm Ice Princess
Owned by
Shelly Strahan

Junior Champion Doe
Ahart Acres Frosted Zima
Owned by Michelle Manzer

Res. Junior Champion Doe
Bakken's Farm Nevada
Owned by Sunshine Shute
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0


12.      Yearling Does:  12 to under 16 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Hush Hills Fainters Livin La Lita Loca Sunshine Shute 1 1.0 1 1.0
AVR Oreo Frappuccino Keianna Barcott 2 0.5 2 0.5

13.      Yearling Does:  16 to under 20 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
HHF Lil Red Riding Hood Mona Kanner 1 2.0 2 1.5
Ahart Acres All That Jazz Lisa Ohling 2 1.5 3 1.0
Frassenei Farms Fiona Jari Frassenei 3 1.0 4 -
Ahart Acres El Pollo Loco Lisa Ohling 4 - 1 2.0

14.      Yearling Does:  20 to under 24 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Rising S Heartland Keianna Barcott 1 1.0 2 0.5
Spin River Meadows Pistachio Mona Kanner 2 0.5 1 1.0

Yearling Champion Doe and Reserve Yearling Champion Doe

10/13/18 10/14/18

Yearling Champion Doe
HHF Lil Red Riding Hood
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Yearling Champion Doe
Rising S Heartland
Owned by Keianna Barcott

Yearling Champion Doe
Spin River Meadows Pistachio
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Yearling Champion Doe
Ahart Acres El Pollo Loco
Owned by Lisa Ohling
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0


15.      Two Year Old Does:  24 to under 36 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Spin River Meadows Dover Mona Kanner 1 4.5 5 -
FOF Brightens My Day Pam Weeks 2 4.0 8 -
Spin River Meadows Grand Teton Mona Kanner 3 3.5 6 -
Ahart Acres Marion Berry Lisa Ohling 4 - 4 -
HHF Halo From The Other Side Sunshine Shute 5 - 1 4.0
Ahart Acres Dancing In The Moonlight Lisa Ohling 6 - 2 3.5
Frassenei Farms Sansa Jari Frassenei 7 - 3 3.0
Ahart Acres Ladybug Lisa Ohling 8 - 7 -
Faint-Hearted Ranch Aurora Michelle Manzer 9 - NS -

16.      Three Year Old Does:  36 to under 48 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Rising S Marina Del Rey Forrest Ann Walling 1 1.5 3 0.5
HHF Esperanza Del Amore De La Fe Mackenzie Gordon 2 1.0 1 1.5
Ahart Acres Tumble Bug Lisa Ohling 3 0.5 2 1.0

17.      Four Year Old Does:  48 to under 60 months - No entries

18.      Five Year Old Does & Over:  60 months & over

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
FOF She Be Jammin Pam Weeks 1 2.5 2 2.5
Bells Goats Clarice Jari Frassenei 2 2.0 6 -
Ahart Acres Rumor Has It Lisa Ohling 3 1.5 1 3.0
Ahart Acres Twisted Sister Sunshine Shute 4 - 5 -
AVR Coconut Southern Pecan Coffee Mona Kanner 5 - 3 2.0
3 Dubs Acres Alohanani Lisa Ohling NS - 4 -

Senior Champion Doe and Reserve Senior Champion Doe

10/13/18 10/14/18

Senior Champion Doe
FOF She Be Jammin
Owned by Pam Weeks

Res. Senior Champion Doe
Bells Goats Clarice
Owned by Jari Frassenei

Senior Champion Doe
Ahart Acres Rumor Has It
Owned by Lisa Ohling

Res. Senior Champion Doe
FOF She Be Jammin
Owned by Pam Weeks
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0

Grand Champion Doe and Reserve Grand Champion Doe

10/13/18 10/14/18

Grand Champion Doe
FOF She Be Jammin
Owned by Pam Weeks

Res. Grand Champion Doe
Bells Goats Clarice
Owned by Jari Frassenei

Grand Champion Doe
Ahart Acres Rumor Has It
Owned by Lisa Ohling

Res. Grand Champion Doe
FOF She Be Jammin
Owned by Pam Weeks
Supreme Points Earned = 6.0* Points Earned = 3.0 Supreme Points Earned = 6.0* Points Earned = 3.0
* Grand Champion points accumulate towards a Supreme Champion title

Buck Classes


19.      Junior Bucks: under 3 months - No entries

20.      Junior Bucks: 3 to under 6 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Bad To The Bone Lisa Ohling 1 1.0 1 1.0
Ahart Acres Just Kiddin Earl Kaylin Stacey 2 0.5 2 0.5

21.       Junior Bucks:  6 to under 9 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
FF Strike While The Iron Is Hot Jari Frassenei 1 1.0 2 0.5
Ahart Acres Drops Of Jupiter Lisa Ohling 2 0.5 1 1.0

22.       Junior Bucks:  9 to under 12 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Ahart Acres Flirting with Disaster Forrest Walling 1 2.0 3 1.5
Ahart Acres Noogie Keiana Barcott 2 1.5 1 2.5
Bakkens Farm Moonstone Mona Kanner 3 1.0 2 2.0
Spin River Meadows Tom Ka Kai Mona Kanner 4 - 5 -
Rising S Loverman Shelly Strahan NS - 4 -

Junior Champion Buck and Reserve Junior Champion Buck

10/13/18 10/14/18

Junior Champion Buck
FF Strike While the Iron is Hot
Owned by Jari Frassenei

Res. Junior Champion Buck
Ahart Acres Flirting with Disaster
Owned by Forrest Walling

Junior Champion Buck
Ahart Acres Noogie
Owned by Keiana Barcott

Res. Junior Champion Buck
Bakkens Farm Moonstone
Owned by Mona Kanner
Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 2.5 Points Earned = 2.0


23.      Yearling Bucks:  12 to under 16 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Buck Creek Reckless Jean Bensen 1 1.0 1 1.0
Buck Creek Panzer Lisa Ohling 2 0.5 2 0.5

24.      Yearling Bucks:  16 to under 20 months - No entries

25.      Yearling Bucks:  20 to under 24 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
Spin River Meadows Buckeye Mona Kanner 1 1.5 1 1.5
Ahart Acres Oogie Boogie Sunshine Shute 2 1.0 3 0.5
Hush Hills Fainters Radio Active Sunshine Shute 3 0.5 2 1.0

Yearling Champion Buck and Reserve Yearling Champion Buck

10/13/18 10/14/18

Yearling Champion Buck
Spin River Meadows Buckeye
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Yearling Champion Buck
Buck Creek Reckless
Owned by Jean Bensen

Yearling Champion Buck
Spin River Meadows Buckeye
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Yearling Champion Buck
Hush Hills Fainters Radio Active
Owned by Sunshine Shute
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5


26.       Two Year Old Bucks:  24 to under 36 months - No entries

27.       Three Year Old Bucks:  36 to under 48 month

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
FOF Runnin Wild Pam Weeks 1 0.5 1 0.5

28.       Four Year Old Bucks:  48 to under 60 months

    10/13/18 10/14/18
Name of Goat Owner / Exhibitor Placing Points Earned Placing Points Earned
SRM Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Kanner 1 0.5 1 0.5

29.       Five Year Old Bucks & Over:  60 months & over - No entries

Senior Champion Buck and Reserve Senior Champion Buck

10/13/18 10/14/18

Senior Champion Buck
SRM Leonardo Da Vinci
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Senior Champion Buck
FOF Runnin Wild
Owned by Pam Weeks

Senior Champion Buck
SRM Leonardo Da Vinci
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Senior Champion Buck
FOF Runnin Wild
Owned by Pam Weeks
Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5 Points Earned = 2.0 Points Earned = 1.5

Grand Champion Buck and Reserve Grand Champion Buck

10/13/18 10/14/18

Grand Champion Buck
SRM Leonardo Da Vinci
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Grand Champion Buck
FF Strike While the Iron is Hot
Owned by Jari Frassenei

Grand Champion Buck
SRM Leonardo Da Vinci
Owned by Mona Kanner

Res. Grand Champion Buck
FOF Runnin Wild
Owned by Pam Weeks
Supreme Points Earned = 4.5* Points Earned = 2.25 Supreme Points Earned = 4.5* Points Earned = 2.25
* Grand Champion points accumulate towards a Supreme Champion title


10/13/18 10/14/18

FOF She Be Jammin
Owned by Pam Weeks

SRM Henri Matisse
Owned by Mona Kanner

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